Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Yes, World, Kristy ate cake. I am not sure why people are so very shocked by this, but some people are. It was a co-worker's birthday today and one of the ladies in her department baked her a chocolate cake. When I went down to deliver some paperwork, I decided that I wanted a piece of her cake. (To be clear, it was the smallest sliver of a piece of cake that I could cut with the knife that they had. It was probably less than 30 calories worth of cake and the amount of icing that I ate was less than the amount left on the spoon after it is scraped off... small piece, in other words.) I ate it and it was good. I think some people are so very shocked because, if I was doing a "diet," a piece of cake would be forbidden. However, I am not doing a diet. I am not depriving myself of anything that I want. I am simply eating a small portion and accounting for all of the calories that I consume. It is funny, though, to see the look on peoples' faces when they see me eating things that would not be "on" a traditional diet. I have always tried to live my life by this motto: never do anything that you would not want to see posted all over the front page of the newspaper, on the news, or on the internet. However, I didn't realize that it should also extend to the food and drink that I put in my mouth. I believe that a lot of people who are overweight have a issue with this at one point or another. Most overweight people have attempted diets all through their lives and most all of the diets, even if they initially worked, failed in the long run. I, myself, had the same problem. One of the ways that I sabotaged myself was to drive by fast food restaurants on my way somewhere and buy food that I would eat while I was en route. Once I reached my destination, I would dispose of the trash in a trash can without anyone knowing what I had eaten. I would, also, go to the refrigerator while no one was looking or while everyone was asleep and eat portions of whatever food I wanted. If someone asked me shortly afterward if I had eaten yet, I would say, "Nope!" Then I would eat again, especially if they were eating something appealing. For some reason, I thought the food didn't count if I was eating it without anyone knowing. However, it does count and in a BIG way! When you are sneaking food, you are not being honest with yourself. You are not considering the food simply as fuel for your body, but you are considering it a comfort item or something to do when you are bored. When you tell people about your eating habits, you say things like, "I always eat healthy food- just salads and chicken, mainly." You never "remember" (more like CHOOSE) to tell them about the bag of McDonald's that you ate on the way in to work or the bag of Krystal's consumed on the way home. The worse part is you start to believe yourself. When my OBGYN asked me about my weight gain after I had my son, I said, "I have no idea why I am not losing weight! I eat veggies and chicken and I ride my stationary bike or walk." He said, "well, I guess some people just can't lose the weight. Maybe you should speak to a surgeon about gastric bypass surgery." I went home and thought about what he had said. I thought about it on and off for a couple of months. Then I started actually walking to prepare for my first 5K. Then I started actually eating the right healthy foods and avoiding fast food and processed foods. Then I started actually riding my stationary bike. Amazingly, the pounds started coming off- without surgery and without being dishonest to myself or anyone else. If you are overweight and you are truly ready to make a change in your life, YOU CAN DO IT! You have the power to make the decision to do the things that you need to do to take control of your life and make the changes that need to be made. Honesty is the first and most important thing that you must commit yourself to. Once you commit to being honest, with a little direction and education in food and fitness, you can redefine and remake yourself into anything you want to be! Just MOVE YOUR BODY!