Monday, May 2, 2011


Reflecting on the events from last night and the fact that, after 10 years, the United States has achieved a huge goal, I am moved to talk about perseverance.  When you are trying to lose weight, it feels great and the motivation is highest when the number on the scale is consistently falling.  However, when your progress is impeded, either by time constrictions reducing your available time to exercise or by body weight fluctuations, you must stay focused on your ultimate goal.  Reset the smaller intermediate goals to reflect your new circumstances, but remain focused on the ultimate goal.  Do not let external stresses or factors derail your path.  Be determined and reach your goals, even if it takes you longer.  The men and women of the US military did not give up on their goal, even though it took 10 years.  Should you give up on your goals even if it will take a little longer?  NO!  Just take the time to reassess the situation and deal with the cards you have been dealt.  If you are determined, you WILL achieve your goals!  "America can do whatever we set our mind to do!"- Barack Obama.  So can YOU!

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