Thursday, May 19, 2011
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Watch Out World, I'm Moving Up!
Thank you all so much for following along with me on my journey! The fun has only just begun....there are big things to come and you won't want to miss it!!
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Are You Accountable??
Before I started my journey a year ago, I had not taken responsibility for the situation that I found myself in. I would blame someone or something for every circumstance and situation. I would claim to have no time, no money, no diets that worked, etc. instead of just taking responsibility for making the changes that I needed to make. When I got back to work from the training, I had three different people tell me that they had read my blog and were impressed with my weight loss. They all went on to say that they needed to lose a certain amount of weight, but... and the excuses began- no time, no motivation to exercise, food is too expensive, etc... I listened and thanked them for the compliments and walked away. Clearly, they were not ready to be the owners of the process and accept full responsibility for making the needed changes in their lives.
When you are ready, truly ready, there are no excuses! They seem to vanish before your eyes. You empower yourself to take action and overcome any obstacles that are in your way. You can empower yourself to do anything! When I began my journey, I empowered myself to change the food that I purchased at the grocery store. I empowered myself to throw out the junk food and replace it with healthier food. I empowered myself to learn as much as possible about nutrition and healthy living. I empowered myself to dedicate an hour a day to exercise- walking, riding my stationary bike, and/or doing workouts on my Xbox Kinect.
Once you have taken responsibility for making the changes in your life and empowered yourself to make those changes, it is time to hold yourself accountable for your success. Hold yourself accountable and stick to your goals. As I have mentioned before, I step on the scale every day. The numbers on the scale let me know where I am in the pursuit of my goals. I then make adjustments based on where I am on the scale.
I am often asked, "how did you do it??" Well, I will say, the above formula pretty much sums it up. I took responsibility for myself and my life. I empowered myself to make the changes that I needed to make and I have held myself accountable for my success. I control me and you control you! Make it happen and do not blame or rely on others for the status of your life. You only get one life. Make it the best!
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Happy Mother's Day!
On this day, I believe that we should honor, not only all of the traditional mothers, but we should also honor everyone who provides a motherly influence in the life of a child- whether it is the aunt that goes to all of the games, recitals, awards banquets, and other important and not so important events in the lives of her nieces and nephews or the nanny who is with the children on a daily basis instilling values in and raising the children or the teacher who has spent countless hours teaching and nurturing a child or the neighbor/friend who goes out of their way to spend time with a child, or the step-mother who provides a unique and priceless view of the world for their step-child or the father who plays a dual role, providing both the motherly influence and the fatherly one or the juvenile court intake worker or probation officer or DFCS case manager who is able to provide much needed support and nurturing to a child in desperate need... the list could go and on.
I believe that, in a world like ours, it really does take a village to raise a child and I believe that any adult can and should provide as much guidance, love, and support to a child as possible to ensure that their future is a bright one! Happy Mother's Day to all who have made it a priority to take care of a child! Though you may not have given birth to the child, you may be the most important influence in that child's life! THANK YOU!
Saturday, May 7, 2011
What A YEAR!!!
I thought I was happy with my life before... boy, was I wrong! I have since learned that my attitude in general stunk a year ago. Sorry about THAT! I have such a renewed sense of life now. I appreciate all of the blessing so much more and appreciate life so much more. I have decided that instilling a need in Drew to "give back" for all of our blessings is very important to me. I have decided that making sure that I am here for all of the important milestones in Drew's life is very important to me. I have decided that what goes into my body should be as nutritious and healthy as possible. I have decided that spreading the word about Preeclampsia and HELLP Syndrome is very important to me. I have decided that raising money for The Preeclampsia Foundation to fund research to educate people about the symptoms and to find a cure for a pregnancy related issue that takes the lives of Mommies and babies every day is very important to me.
Having said all of that, looking forward to my next year, I plan to dedicate more time to charitable ventures, including The Preeclampsia Foundation. I also plan to continue my healthy eating and continue to educate my son on the importance of healthy eating and exercise. I plan to continue walking as much as I can (usually 5-6 days a week) and incorporate more Synergize workout techniques into my exercise plan. I plan to lose my last 63 lbs!!! I plan to continue writing my blog (for as long as people are interested in what I have to say). I plan to say THANK YOU and I LOVE YOU more often, especially to all of the people who have supported me over the last year and throughout my life in general. THANK YOU! I love you all and I could not have done what I have done without all of your support!
Will you join me in making a plan for the next year? Will you join me on my journey?? How can I help you on yours? I am listening!
Friday, May 6, 2011
Do NOT Criticize... Be Supportive
I realize that it is hard for people, who have not had a significant weight problem, to understand this concept, but some overweight people, like me, believe that they are beautiful just the way they are! When they get dressed every day, they look in the mirror and they see beauty. There are other people in the world, like my husband, who also believe that overweight people are beautiful just the way they are. There are overweight people in the world, like me, who do not have health problems. There are overweight people in the world, like me, who have never experienced prejudice or bullying as a result of their weight. I know that those concepts are pretty foreign to a lot of people whose only experience with overweight people is what they see on the extreme weight shows on tv- people who are depressed, get picked on all the time, have terrible self esteem, have a lot of health problems, and can't seem to find love. While it is not easy being overweight in this world, it is not all that difficult either for some.
As I explained in The Beginning, I was very happy with my life. I was not looking to change my weight or anything in my life when I started walking. However, once I started walking and started seeing the weight coming off, I became addicted to walking and decided for myself, by myself, to begin making more changes. I also decided that I would not force my views on anyone else and would not even share my viewpoint unless I was asked. It took me almost a year before I started writing my blog. The only reason that I started then was because people began asking me questions and wanting more and more information.
This blog is only for people who are interested. This is not a way to influence a bunch of people who are not ready to make changes in their lives. When people feel forced to make changes, they will eventually rebel against those changes. It has to be THEIR idea and in their own time. I will not criticize others or their choices. If asked, I will explain why I would or would not choose for myself whatever they have chosen, but I will not criticize. I will be supportive. I will be supportive of their decisions, what ever they happen to be. I will also continue on my path and, if my example leads others to make decisions to help themselves, then I will be ellated!!
You can also provide support to overweight individuals. When you are talking to your overweight friends and family, do not mention their weight, their food choices, their clothing size, etc. Just be supportive of their decisions, whatever they are, and continue to be a good role model and example for them. Eventually, through your actions for yourself, your friend or family member may decide to ask you questions and may decide to follow in your footsteps. If he or she doesn't, that is ok, too. You will still be a good friend!
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Fast Food, No Thanks!
I went to the mall yesterday after work to get some much needed make-up and my first thought, as it always was in the past, was what should I either stop and grab for dinner or eat in the mall food court. I thought about all of the choices as I was driving to the mall and while I was purchasing my make-up. I called my husband on my way home and he asked what I ate for dinner. I told him about my thoughts and then I said, "but I couldn't think of a single thing that I would want to eat at any of the places, so I am headed home." When your body has been cleaned out of all of the processed foods and high sodium foods, you feel horrible every time you eat those foods. I decided that I would rather go home and eat a piece of the yummy sundried tomato and roasted red pepper marinated chicken breast that my husband cooked a couple of days ago and some steamed veggies. I must admit I felt great after my dinner and went for my nightly 3.4 mile walk/run. Stop and think before you put foods in your mouth. Think about the calories, sodium, sugar, and processed chemicals that are in the food. Educate yourself on those numbers before deciding to put it in your mouth. Decide for yourself whether you want to feel great after your meal or like crud! I choose to feel great! :)
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Preeclampsia Awareness Month
Monday, May 2, 2011
Reflecting on the events from last night and the fact that, after 10 years, the United States has achieved a huge goal, I am moved to talk about perseverance. When you are trying to lose weight, it feels great and the motivation is highest when the number on the scale is consistently falling. However, when your progress is impeded, either by time constrictions reducing your available time to exercise or by body weight fluctuations, you must stay focused on your ultimate goal. Reset the smaller intermediate goals to reflect your new circumstances, but remain focused on the ultimate goal. Do not let external stresses or factors derail your path. Be determined and reach your goals, even if it takes you longer. The men and women of the US military did not give up on their goal, even though it took 10 years. Should you give up on your goals even if it will take a little longer? NO! Just take the time to reassess the situation and deal with the cards you have been dealt. If you are determined, you WILL achieve your goals! "America can do whatever we set our mind to do!"- Barack Obama. So can YOU!
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Be Thankful!

Friday, April 29, 2011
Before and After
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Together We Can Change The WORLD!!!
Please take the time today to comment on this blog and let me and my other readers know how much weight you have lost (even if it is just 1 or 2 pounds) and how you are moving your bodies today. I want to CELEBRATE each and every one of you!
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Be Quiet and LISTEN!
Saturday, April 23, 2011
A Weekend Day In The Life Of Kristy
Today was unusual for me in a couple of ways and very normal in many others. Drew woke up about 2 hours early this morning at 6:30 a.m. After getting him out of bed, I fixed his cereal and fruit and my Raisin Almond Crunch and Vanilla Coconut Milk for breakfast. After we ate breakfast, we played for a while and watched a little tv until his Daddy got up. Drew and Daddy decided to chase me around the house about 10 or 11 times. You might think that a 2 year old doesn't run that would be wrong! I was really running! After more playing and a shared snack of pineapple and cheese, Drew laid down early for a nap. I sat down to work on some research at the computer. Normally, his naps last 2-3 hours. Not today! Today he was up in 45 minutes. Daddy fed him lunch while I got dressed. I stole a bite of Richard's salad that he had made himself for lunch, ate a couple more pieces of cheese, and decided to eat strawberry Greek yogurt for lunch. I wasn't very hungry. After we finished lunch and got ready, Drew and I left for our Saturday afternoon shopping excursion. Today we were venturing out to Trader Joe's. It was his first time being there and my third. Although, I had never been to this particular location before. I was going there for two specific items- Trader Joe's Sea Salt and Black Pepper Rice Crisps and Trader Joe's Horseradish Hummus. When we finally found the store, I was rather disappointed. They did not have my Horseradish Hummus that I have been craving for a while now. (Thanks for getting me hooked, Shannon!) Nor did they have the Rice Crisps. Grrr! I did buy one container of Red Pepper Hummus. Then we left for Whole Foods! We LOVE Whole Foods! It is an hour away from my house (21.5 miles, I think), thanks to the red lights around Gwinnett Place Mall, but it is so worth it to us. I found everything I was looking for- squash, zucchini, onions, navel oranges, mandarin oranges, cage-free eggs, grapes, chicken breasts, and fajita mix veggies. (I think that is all that we got this trip...oh, and I found a mixed vegetable hummus, too) I have learned to bring a small cooler with ice packs to keep my refrigerated stuff cold. As it turns out, it was an especially good idea, because I decided that I wanted to take Drew to Stevie-B's for dinner on the way back to Loganville. We stopped by Stevie-B's and had pizza. Yes, I broke my generally gluten-free eating plan to have three pieces of Stevie-B's cheese pizza (171 calories per slice). After we ate, Drew wanted to play the "racing car game." So we went into the game room and he attempted to drive the racing simulator game a couple of times. Then we headed out to Kroger before heading home. We usually buy a couple of things from Kroger, but today I went solely for Baby Spinach for salads. Of course, I left with a couple more items.... blue cheese crumbles (possibly my favorite food), Drew's juice (100% fruit and veggie juice- no added sugar, dyes, or preservatives), and a bag of Pop Chips for me to try since my Rice Crisps could not be found today. (I will let you guys know how they are when I try them. Jillian Micheals loves them.) After we got home and unloaded the groceries, Drew jumped in his stroller and he and I went for a walk. I love my walks- especially my walks with Drew! He is so inquisitive about everything he sees and hears and he just likes to chat while I am huffing and puffing his 40 lb body up the hills in his big travel system stroller. (We have a jogging stroller that my parents were so very generous enough to buy for us, but we don't like it very much... the front wheel does not pivot, it pulls to one side, one tire is flat, and Drew does not like to be tilted back while he is riding around. He prefers the big stroller. So I push... hard, sometimes.) When we got home, it was winding down time- bath, Shrek, and bed. So here I sit, blogging for you guys. I hope everyone had a great day today and I hope you enjoyed a glimpse into my life- it was not very typical, lunch and dinner wise. Oh, well! I wish you all a wonderful Easter tomorrow! I am heading to shower and bed! Good night!
Friday, April 22, 2011
Work Time Versus ME Time
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Meals: Before and After
Before April 2010:
- Breakfast: 2 sausage McMuffins with cheese and large sweet tea with light ice
- Lunch: turkey, cheese, sandwich spread or mayo, and spicy mustard on wheat bread; fruit and jello cup; Harvest Cheddar Sun Chips, 4 double stuffed Oreos
- Dinner: two chicken breasts; steam in the bag veggies with cheese sauce; mashed potatoes -or- hamburger helper made with ground turkey
- I would drink tea in the morning and then water or lemonade for the rest of the day. Every now and then I would get a Mountain Dew.
- Breakfast: Love Grown Foods Apple Walnut Delight - or - Raisin Almond Crunch Granola with So Delicious Coconut Milk
- Snack: fruit and cheese or cashews -or- Greek yogurt with fruit
- Lunch: baby spinach and spring mix salad with diced chicken, onions, reduced fat blue cheese, and extra virgin olive oil and red wine vinegar dressing and grapes or half of navel orange- or - leftover from night before and grapes or half of navel orange
- Snack: fruit and cheese or cashews - or- hummus and rice chips
- Dinner: one small chicken breast and steamed fresh veggies (no sauce- just sea salt and pepper) -or- salad (see above) -or- quinoa with veggies - or- turkey and veggie meatloaf with fruit
- I only drink water all day. No soda and no alcohol.
My portion sizes have drastically decreased. My sodium intake has drastically decreased. I do eat other foods and they are generally gluten-free.
I never choose to go to fast food anymore. But if I have to go to fast food, I get a salad with grilled chicken, no croutons, and oil and vinegar dressing or lite Italian dressing. I prefer to go to actual restaurants. Before I go, I research the menu and nutritional information on the internet or on my phone app. Then I usually choose the lowest calorie and sodium choice. Most of the time you are better off getting a small steak and grilled or steamed veggies than you are getting a salad. Just do your research! Contact me if you need extra help with restaurant food choices. I am always willing to help!Don't Let Stress Stress You Out!!
Sunday, April 17, 2011
How To Build A Puzzle (as taught to a 2 year old)
Friday, April 15, 2011
Your excuses are killing you!
If you don't BUY it, you won't EAT it!
Thursday, April 14, 2011
"How are you going to count THOSE calories???" My response, "I AM NOT!"
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
A Snapshot of My Frig

Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Thanksgiving Cranberry Salad (serves 2)
Here is one of the recipes that I enjoy quiet frequently! Thanksgiving Cranberry Salad (serves 2):
- 2 3/4 cups Popeye Baby Spinach Salad
- 3 cups Fresh Selections (Kroger brand) Baby Spring Mix Salad
- 1 Tbsp Fresh Gourmet Sliced Almonds Honey Roasted
- 2 Tbsp Fresh Gourmet Cranberries Dried and Sweet
- 1/4 cup Stella Reduced Fat Blue Cheese Crumbles
- 7 slices Chiquita Juicy Green Apple Bites
- 4 Tbsp Naturally Fresh Pomegranate Mixed Berry Vinaigrette (to make it gluten-free, use red wine vinegar and extra virgin olive oil instead)
- Chop each apple slice into bite size pieces (5-7 pieces per slice).
Add all ingredients together and toss to coat with dressing. Serve immediately. Enjoy! 148 calories per serving!!"